the impact of administration (PolloSano) into the potable water for broiler flocks on the microbiological and chemical quality of the water


In this trial, the impact of administration (PolloSano) into the potable water for broiler flocks on the microbiological and chemical quality of the water vs. the performance of boiler fattening was studied.

Material and Method

Broiler house: For the trial, 3 broiler houses in different locations (749, 1300 and 1718 m2) were used. In these broiler houses, chicks, applications of feed and care-management were determined by integration.

Microbiological analysis: For the houses which received PolloSano administration (trial houses), water samples were transferred to sterile bottles from the tanks before the trial started, and from the tanks and nipple lines (from the end of the nipple lines) after the trial started, to specify the microbiological quality of the water. The samples were collected at 1, 6, 12, and 24 hours after the administration started, and arrived at the laboratory in a cold chain. The effect of the administration on the microbiological quality of the water was determined using total aerobic bacteria count analysis (dilution method). Results were evaluated comparatively.

Chemical analysis: For the houses which received PolloSano administration, samples were collected at the inflow and outflow of the water to/from the system, and the results were evaluated by comparison.

Broiler fattening performance: For the houses which received PolloSano administration, EPEF values estimated from the data such as BW, mortality, feed conversion, and the daily average increase in BW were assessed in comparison with the previous year’s (2021) mean data (EPEF).


Data obtained from the trial can be found under the related sections below.

Microbiological analysis findings:

In the trial, findings of microbiological quality, and change in the bacteria count following the administration are presented in Figure 1, 2 and 3. In all the houses:

Figure 1. Total bacteria count and changes in House 1

Figure 2. Total bacteria count and changes in House 2

3. Total bacteria count and changes in House 3

Image 1. The effect of the administration on the bacteria count in the nipple lines

Chemical analysis findings:

In the trial, chemical analysis findings of water samples collected pre- and post-administration are presented in Table 1. As the Table suggests, pH values and total alkalinity (mgCaCO3/L) in all three houses increased. Other parameters show that there was no significant change in the water samples from all the houses. Electrical conductivity, calcium, magnesium and induration reduced in House 1 and House 2, but remained stable in House 3.

Table 1. Comparative chemical analysis findings

  Parameter  UnitHouse 1House 2House 3  Limit Values
Electrical conductivity (EC)  µS/cm  197  162.5  881  736  304.5  309.8  2500
Ammonia (NH3)mg/L0.01<<0.01<0.010.5
Nitride (NO2)mg/L0.<0.010.5
Nitrate (NO3)mg/L3.63.3838357.260.650
Sulphate (SO4)mg/L75.821.42212.912.6250
Mercury (Hg)µg/L<0.020.06<0.020.02<0.020.051
Sodium (Na)mg/L6.67.814.214.31313.1200
Calcium (Ca)mg/L25.218.9169.7135.53434.1 
Magnesium (Mg)mg/L3. 
Total AlkalinitymgCaCO3/L81.761.7305233.362.761 
Free Chlorinemg/L<0.1<0.1<0.1<0.1<0.1<0.1 
Total Chlorinemg/L<0.1<0.1<0.1<0.1<0.1<0.1 

Broiler fattening performance findings:

In the trial, broiler fattening performance findings from the houses are presented in Table 2. In the trial, the performance data demonstrates that broiler chickens in House 1 were slaughtered at Day 41, and slaughtering 2 days early compared to the other houses reduced both BW and daily BW gain. It was also observed in this house that mortality was higher compared to the other two houses (7.2%), and 2021 mean mortality values of House 1 (5.4%). Higher mortality had a negative impact on EPEF for House 1, and the effect of the difference in mortality from the previous year’s values (1.8%) on the EPEF score was 6. For other two houses, it is found that the post-administration results from the broiler fattening performance were better than the values in 2021. In House 2, the mean EPEF was 341 in 2021, and 350 in the trial, and in House 3, it was 351 in 2021, and 378 in the trial. For these two houses, comparable mortality values between 2021 analysis and the trial had a positive impact on comparing the trial results. When mean EPEF values for three houses in the trial were compared to 2021 mean values, it was observed that mean EPEF in the trial performed on the three houses was 357, whereas 2021 mean values were 347. The findings show that administration (PolloSano) in the potable water had a positive impact on mean EPEF results.

Table 2. Broiler fattening performance findings

HousesAge at SlaughterBW (kg)BWG/dayFCRMortality (%)EPEF
House 1412.51961.41.6637.2343
House 2432.71063.01.6624.16350
House 3442.79363.31.6314.44378


In this trial, the effects of administration (PolloSano) into the potable water for broiler flocks are summarized below.

  • The administration had a positive impact on the microbiological quality of potable water.
  • The most significant chemical change in the water samples collected pre- and post-administration from the houses was in pH and total alkalinity.
  • Mean EPEF estimated after the administration into the potable water was higher than the mean values in 2021. This result demonstrates that administration into potable water in the three houses had a positive impact on the mean broiler fattening performance.

Prof. Dr. Mehmet Akan

Ankara University, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Department of Preclinical Sciences


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