PolloSano Product System

Germ-free drinking water. Without chemical additives.

Click to view our certificates

PolloSano Good for:

The Poultry

  • Sustainable reduction of antibiotics and other medicines
  • Elimination of chlorine chemicals and other chemicals
  • Clean, germ-free pipelines without biofilm
  • Stress-free drinking thanks to always functioning drinking nipples
  • Improved weight gain
    lower mortality

The Farmer

  • Low installation effort
  • Lower cost of medication
  • No cost for chemicals
  • Fast amortization of the purchase
  • Low maintenance
  • Good carbon footprint

The Consumer

  • Organic drinking water
  • Sustainable water treatment
  • Without chemicals
  • Less antibiotic residues in meat
  • Low environmental impact

UV light in a magnetic field

In the PolloSano process, air is passed through a reaction chamber in which the oxygen in the air is activated into radicals by UV light in a magnetic field.

The air activated in this way is fed into the water to be treated in the form of microbubbles, where it has an oxidizing and disinfecting effect.

Preventing deposits in pipes

The reactive oxygen species not only have a germicidal effect, but also keep calcium (Ca) and magnesium (Mg) in solution, making them available to the animal as trace elements and preventing deposits in pipes.

Pollosano system with
Easy Installation

The installation and commissioning of Pollosano is very easy.
The device can easily be integrated into any existing drinking system.