Pollosano disinfects the drinking water without any chemical additives such as chlorine compounds or organic acids.
We Are PolloSano
Our patented GWT technology enables the rearing of healthier poultry while saving costs and reducing the environmental impact.
We are really good for:
Less antibiotics
Better FCR
Less mortality
Less mortality
Less antibiotics
More weight
Less antibiotics
Less diarrhea
Better FCR
Take a look at our product video explainer
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The Pollosano system work is based on the air, not on the water, which means:
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The Pollosano system is small, compact and easy to install
The air is compressed into the Apparatus, where the magnets and the UV lamps activate the oxygen.
The activated oxygen is then released into the water as micro-bubbles and that creates chemical reactions which purify and improve the water itself.
Contact us. We will visit you in your company, introduce you to Pollosano using a demo device and answer all your questions.
You will receive a tailor-made offer from us, adapted to your circumstances.
We then install Pollosano and test the water properties with you.
Drinking water hygiene is a significant factor for the health of livestock.
Clean water should always be available so that animals remain healthy and there are no economic losses due to contaminated drinking water.
The quality of the water that arrives at the drinking nipple is often worse than that when it enters the stall. The reason for this is the rear entry of germs from the drinking trough into the drinking water pipe system.
Biofilms present in the drinking lines represent an ideal breeding ground and a reservoir for pathogens.
This germ pressure builds up over the period and continuously worsens the water quality.
This is where the PolloSano system comes in.
PolloSano provides germ-free water from the first to the last drinking nipple from the beginning to the end of the period. The activated PolloSano water remains resistant to germs until it is used up and thus prevents germs from being carried backwards from the drinking nipple into the pipe system.
With PolloSano, no new biofilms form in the pipes and existing biofilms are destroyed, which prevents any germ growth in the water pipes.
The absence of biofilm in the piping prevents drinking nipples from clogging, allowing animals to drink stress-free. Calcium (Ca) and magnesium (Mg) are dissolved in the water by the process and are also available to the animal as trace elements.
All of these factors together enable the animals to grow up healthy and stress-free with significantly less use of antibiotics and other medication.
In Germany, a long-term test over 24 months was carried out at a large poultry farm.
Experimental setup:
2 stables were supplied exclusively with PolloSano water over the entire period
6 stables were supplied with water and chlorine dioxide for water disinfection over the entire period
Result over the period of 24 months:
In the 2 stalls with the PolloSano system, 97% less antibiotics and medicines were used per stall than in the other 6 stalls (average value)
The PolloSano process produces germ-free water within a few minutes. The activated water remains resistant to germs until it is consumed.
Further chemical additives are superfluous.
Depending on the size of the barn, PolloSano pays for itself within 12-18 months
The PolloSano process keeps the calcium (Ca) and magnesium (Mg) contained in the water in solution, which means that they cannot accumulate on the walls of the pipes.
PolloSano even completely dissolves existing biofilms within a few days.
Once the biofilms have been removed, new formation is completely prevented by the PolloSano process.
Drinking nipples usually clog when biofilm deposits detach from the pipe walls and then clog the drinking nipple from the inside.
The PolloSano process completely dissolves existing biofilms and prevents the formation of new biofilms.
Existing biofilms are dissolved without leaving any residue without clogging the drinking nipples. Thanks to PolloSano, new biofilms no longer form.
The problem of clogged troughs is a thing of the past.